Weekly Bulletin

February 2nd, 2025

men's Ministry

Wild Game Meal 2025

Reminder of the Wild Game Meal on March 15, 2025. Save a portion of your wild game harvest to share at the upcoming meal.

women's Ministry

Worship NIght With COffee Bar

You are invited to Worship Night Friday, February 28, 2024. The Coffee Bar is from 5:30 pm—6:30 pm with Worship at 7:00 pm.

Youth Ministry


Laser Tag Saturday, February 8th, at 9:30 am.

Ignite & Radiate


Activity, February 2nd, from 5:00 pm—7:00 pm.


Bible Study/Worship/Games Wednesday, February 5th, from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm..
Skating/Lunch/Winter Jam Saturday, March 8th.

Kid's Ministry

Laser Tag Needs

Laser Tag

We would like to continue to offer the Laser Tag Event free, for all kids in grades 3-6. If you are able to help us achieve
this goal, you may do so in several ways:
- By making a monetary donation towards pizza & supplies. Place your gift in the white donation box on the Kid's Ministry bulletin board.
- By donating cookies or individual bags of chips or a salty snack. Sign-up sheet is on the Kids’ Ministry bulletin board.
-  We need large boxes. If you have large boxes to donate, please have them to the church by Wednesday, February 6th.
Kids, come for an evening of laser tag, games, prizes, food and most importantly the message of salvation! All kids must be per-registered to attend. All kids in grades 3-6 are welcome! To register go to https://tinyurl.com/lglasertag. Kids must be pre-registered to attend. Register your kids by February 5th.

Team Kid

Winter Team Kid is February 11th & 25th and March 11th & 25th for kids age 4—4th grade. Volunteers are needed. Contact Kara for more information 717-437-1473.

General Announcements

Contractor Support Needed

Wisconsin & Florida Missions

Henry & Judith Levia have purchased a home to fix up in Lewistown for women to stay, receive counseling and support as they work to break out of the cycle of addiction. If you have experience in insulation and drywall installation and would like to donate time to this renovation projection, contact Judith.
The Mission Team is planning return work trips to Gator Camp in Florida, April 6th-12th and to Ethnos360 Institute in
Wisconsin, June 15th-21st. For more information, contact Curtis Yoder.

Marriage encounter

rosedale network of churches boost retreat 2025

What is a Marriage Encounter? We believe that every married couple can have a mutually satisfying, life-long relationship that improves with time and effort. Marriage Encounter is a weekend where married couples (a man and a woman) are given the opportunity to develop a closer, deeper and more satisfying marital relationship, as well as strengthen their relationship with God. The next Marriage Encounter is February 28-March 2, 2025 at Heritage Hotel in Lancaster. Call 717-569-5676 for more information or go to www.marriageencounter.org
What is BOOST Retreat and who is it for? Each year, in March, Rosedale Network hosts an inspirational retreat for business leaders. The purpose of the retreat is to provide a setting for Christian business people, as disciples of Christ in the marketplace, to experience fellowship, encouragement, training and networking opportunities. This retreat is designed especially for: owners, operators, and managers of businesses; spouses and family members involved in the business; pastors; and anyone with an interest in business. The retreat is March 20-25, 2025 at Eden Resort in Lancaster PA. Go to https://rosedalenetwork.org/rosedale-network-events/boost-retreat/ for more information and to register.

Philippines Trip

YOung adult ministry position

Missions partners in the Philippines have plans to purchase property to build a wellness center for under-served people to receive health care and recover from illnesses or surgery while being spiritually cared for. If you are interested in this trip contact Curtis Yoder or a Mission Team member.
The leadership of Locust Grove continues to seek an individual to fill the part-time role of Young Adult Ministry Coordinator. In addition, if you have interest in serving as part of a team to work with the ministry coordinator, please contact Pastor Ivan Yoder.

BMS Quilting

Rosedale network los ANgeles fire relief efforts

Quilting for the 2025 BMS Annual Auction will be at Oakwood Center at Valley View. You are invited to join the fellowship and fine stitching anytime from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm during the weeks of January 20th—24th & 27th—31st. The auction is April 25th & 26th.
Rosedale Network is partnering with pastor Benji and his family and the New Life Congregation by starting LA Fire Relief Fund. If you would like to contribute to this fund and partner with Pastor Benji and New Life Congregation, go to
https://rosedalenetwork by clicking on donate at the top of the page to donate online or mail your tax deductible donation to Rosedale Network of Churches (put “LA Fire Relief” in the memo line) 9910 Rosedale Milford Center Rd. Irwin, OH 43029

gator camp need

Gator Camp has an immediate need for additional kitchen staff. For more information, contact Gator Camp at 941-639-

2025 Central pa meat canning project

This is the 50th year for the meat canning project in our area. They will be at the Chief Logan firehouse, 1800 Glenwood Avenue, Lewistown February 10-13 from 6:30 am-8:00 pm Monday—Thursday and 7:00 am—2:00 pm Friday. If you have
any questions, contact, Sylvanus Peachey, 717-935-2511 or Jessie Diem, 717-348-9577. All monetary donations can be sent to Central PA World Hunger Association, PO Box 76, Belleville, PA 17004.

February Parade of Books

Church mailboxes

The Parade of Books Reader's Club meeting Monday, February 3rd in room 108 at Locust Grove from 7:00-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome. Come prepared to share about a book you are reading or have read.
Our church mailboxes will be reorder at the end of February. If you do not have a mailbox and would like one, contact
Arlene at the church office, 717-935-2164 or by email at arlene@locustgrovemc.org.