Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The Mission Team is focused on impacting individuals around the world who do not yet know Jesus so they can have the opportunity to hear the good news and have the choice to embrace the truth of God’s word through a relationship with Jesus the Messiah. The Mission Team seeks God’s direction in effectively utilizing financial resources within LGMC to accomplish this purpose. A big part of this involves regular communication with the missionaries LGMC supports. The Mission Team also continually seeks opportunities for LGMC to engage in our local community, our country, and around the world through short term group trips and long term individual or group appointments to the mission field, both near and far.

Missions Personnel
Teselan, Yukon, Canada
Papua New Guinea
Malaga, Spain
South America
Cluj, Romania
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Waukesch, Wisconson, USA